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Monday, November 11, 2013

SEO Tips: How To Land A Top Spot On Google

By Meridith Dennes

several changes when determining what type of content will rank high and what pages will fail to be seen. Let's take a look…

Infographic from 

This graphic explains 10 ways you can ensure your content will land a top spot in Google's search results. Below, we've discussed a few of our favorites in detail.


Title & Snippets:

When it comes to your title, choose carefully. It is not only vital to the story you're telling but it also plays a role in what Google looks for when categorizing individual web pages. When displayed in Google, your title will be accompanied by a snippet, another word for the meta description. The meta description is the grouping of sentences that appear underneath the title. These few sentences should contain relevant keywords that a prospective website visitor may search in hopes of finding your content.

2,000 Words or More:

When determining relevancy, the most important factor to customers and to Google is credibility. One of the best ways to establish credibility is to write content that is longer, detailed and full of information. By doing so, you'll show your insight and prove yourself as a thought leader while sharing useful information with your readers.

Answer Questions: 

When you think of the basic concept of any search engine, it is used not just to search but also to answer questions! Think back to the last time you utilized a search engine to answer a question. For example: What is the best Italian restaurant in NYC?
One way to make sure you're covering all aspects of your products and services is to address frequently searched questions and then answer those questions within your website content in a way that differentiates you from competitors; whether that be in service, credibility, or uniqueness. When done correctly, this will make your site more personal and will potentially build new relationships for you.

Long-tail Keywords:

Whenever you decide to target a keyword, it could take months or even years to see meaningful movement within Google. Luckily, things are changing a little and users are starting to search terms in a very specific way. Instead of just searching for 'Nike Shoes' the trend has shifted to reflect searches like 'Red Nike Women's Running Shoes'. The term long-tail keyword is used to describe this trend of more detail within keywords. A long tail keyword is a very targeted search phrase that contains 3 or more words.

By making your keywords more specific, you're more likely to find a customer who is looking exactly for what you offer.

Natural Content:

At the end of the day, content is still king. There is no point in having a great rank on Google if you can't keep your audience interested in the message. Your website copy and blog posts must sound natural and use an active voice.


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